Internal Jugular Central Line Ultrasound Manikin
Realism, quality and durability. Blue Phantom’s brand new Ultrasound Internal Jugular Central Line Training phantom offers you the realism that you expect, the quality that you demand and the durability that you deserve. Constructed utilizing Blue Phantom’s ultra-durable and truly self-healing SimulexUS™ tissue, this compact central venous access internal jugular ultrasound phantom model provides you with superb ultrasound imaging characteristics and allows you to perform complete central line placements of the internal jugular vein – including needles, guidewires, dilation, and threading of catheters.Giving you the realism that you expect, the quality that you demand and the durability that you deserve.
Our internal jugular central line ultrasound simulator offers superb internal and external anatomical realism. Developed using our innovative LifeCast™ modeling techniques, the external anatomy is present in tremendous detail and the internal anatomy matches that of human anatomy allowing you to practice and teach on this extremely lifelike central line manikin. Our specially designed tissues will never clog your needle and will always image like human tissue without unrealistic ultrasound system settings.
The light weight and portable internal jugular training manikin contains vascular anatomy including the internal jugular vein (IJ) and the carotid artery. Internal structures also include the trachea and clavicle providing you with superb realism – using any ultrasound system equipped with a vascular access ultrasound transducer. External landmarks also include a palpable suprasternal notch, trachea and clavicle. This central venous access ultrasound phantom is specifically designed for teaching and practicing internal jugular (IJ) cannulation; the training model accommodates both ultrasound guidance and blind insertion technique.
The vessels of our internal jugular central line ultrasound manikin offer extremely realistic performance and the arteries and veins can be differentiated by their accurate positioning, the arterial pulsatility and vein compressibility allowing users to teach and learn on this extremely realistic ultrasound phantom. Carotid arterial pulsation can be simulated using the included hand bulb and the internal jugular vein is compressible as you would expect to find in the human patient. The IJ central line trainer is prefilled with simulated blood; the arterial line contains red simulated blood while the venous system contains blue simulated blood, allowing for easy identification and positive feedback when the proper vessel is accurately accessed. Positive fluid flow in the vessels provides users with immediate feedback when the targeted vessel is accessed. Refilling the internal jugular training model is a quick and easy process using the included QuickFill™ access ports; high volume users can also attach an IV bag of ultrasound refill solution to the luer lock located on the QuickFill™ Tube allowing for continuous filling of the venous system.
GTSimulators by Global Technologies
CAE Healthcare Authorized Distributor.