It's MY Body
A Book to Teach Young Children
How to Resist Uncomfortable Touch
by Lory Freeman
illustrated by Carol Deach
It's MY Body has been written in order to help adults and preschool children talk about sexual abuse together in a way which minimizes embarrassment and fear, but emphasizes self-reliance and open communication.
You will not find specific references and stories about sexual abuse in this book. Preschool children are not ready for detailed discussions of this issue. They are ready, however, to learn how their feelings can help them make decisions about sharing their bodies, and how to communicate those decisions to others. This kind of learning serves as a vital first step in the protection of children from sexual abuse.
It's MY Body introduces two touching codes which children can use to protect themselves when they?re uncomfortable. Popular with preschool teachers and pediatricians, who report children sometimes practice the protective phrases on siblings and dolls.
Useful for 3 - 8 years
32 pages